Cooking scares me! And other questions from our FAQs file
This blog unpacks the top 10 questions from our last webinar about working in postpartum care, as well as the Postpartum Education and Care Training. Julia answers questions about postpartum care and education: learn how to become a doula even if you hate cooking, find out if you need business insurance, and discover how to market yourself and get your first postpartum client. We’ve loosely edited the transcript for clarity.
Instagram is not a business plan
Hands down, the biggest worry many of my students have when launching their own business is social media.
What is a doula?
This blog explores the different types of doulas - birth, postpartum, adoption, grief and loss, and how it works in relation to services, costs, qualifications and regulations.
The soundtrack of matrescence
Julia Jones chats with singer-songwriter Claire Tonti. They explore the power of creativity to share the collective story of motherhood. They discuss Claire’s experience of matrescence, creativity as a window to ourselves, and reclaiming artistry as mothers.
Learning how menstrual cycles impact creativity, power, and social change
Julia Jones chats with Lucy Peach, author of Period Queen. They explore the power of the menstrual cycle. They discuss periods, creativity and inclusive workplaces.
How you can support normal breastfeeding, even if you don’t have medical training
This blog explores ways a postpartum professional can provide valuable support to a breastfeeding parent. Focusing on the breastfeeding observation component, this blog outlines who can observe and assess a breastfeeding session, what’s included in a non-clinicial breastfeeding assessment and how to use the results of the breastfeeding assessment to provide good support.
Trauma-sensitive care for survivors of abuse
Julia Jones chats with Dusk Liney, a trauma-sensitive birth and postpartum professional, on the importance of trauma-sensitive care and how to support survivors to create safer postpartum experiences. They reflect on Dusk’s own story of navigating motherhood as a survivor of abuse and the broader themes that people who have experienced trauma face within motherhood.
From patchwork career to postpartum care professional
A blog by Antonia Anderson on how her existing skills and training carried over from previous jobs into postpartum care work, why it’s okay not to feel fulfilled by motherhood and how you can funnel your passion for helping mothers into a sustainable career. Reflect on how your unique life and work experience might help you excel at running a postpartum care business.
Supporting plus size pregnancy in a fatphobic world
Julia Jones chats with Stephanie O'Brien from Postpartum with Steph. They explore how postpartum care providers can better support plus-size women. They discuss why BMI shouldn’t be used as a sole indicator of health, what it’s like navigating the hospital system as a plus-size woman, and how Steph’s personal experience led her to become a postpartum doula.
Top 10 careers that make amazing postpartum professionals
This blog explores the top 10 careers that make amazing postpartum professionals - including hairdresser and beauty therapists, teachers, childcare workers, retail and hospitality workers, life coaches, yoga and pilates instructors, midwifes, mothers and friends!
Building a stable doula business
Podcast interview with Sami Stewart on building a stable and secure doula business.
Behind the scenes with Julia Jones
Podcast interview with Julia Jones on her year at Newborn Mothers.
Two-minute moves that change motherhood
Podcast interview with Lizzie Williamson on how two-minute moves can change our experience of motherhood.
A life-changing gift for Newborn Mothers
The book, Newborn Mothers - When a Baby is Born, so is a Mother, is a perfect gift for pregnant people.
Learning to laugh again through postpartum
Podcast interview with Amy Marshall on how to reclaim nourishment and support postpartum.
Expanding beyond birth work into postpartum care
Dusk’s journey as a birth worker who never thought she could work in postpartum and how she found her way there.
Writing a new narrative beyond the social construction of motherhood
Podcast interview with Sophie Brock on writing a new narrative beyond the social construction of motherhood.
The journey to becoming a postpartum professional
The journey to becoming a postpartum professional.
Kind and respectful approaches to sleep
Podcast interview with Katie Cortés on Finding ways of improving sleep for everybody.
Pricing your postpartum services with confidence and compassion
Pricing your postpartum services with confidence and compassion to make a living from postpartum work.