Frequently Asked Questions
Financial investment
The exact price you pay will vary according to your currency, the exchange rate, local taxes and if you choose to pay up front or a payment plan.
To find out the price that works best for you click here to go to the enrolment page, then choose from the following options:
1. Choose price (Pay up front or payment plan)2. Choose currency (USD or AUD)
3. Check the schedule of payments to see how much is due for each payment (including taxes if you are required to pay them) and the dates those payments will be due.
You may also wish to use a currency converter, keeping in mind rates fluctuate over time. -
The enrolment form will default to US dollars because we have students worldwide and US dollars are the most universally recognised currency.
But when you enrol, you can change the currency to Aussie dollars if you prefer. Just click the little dropdown on the enrolment form next to “Choose price”.
We offer partial scholarships to make our training more accessible for people experiencing systemic disadvantage and to increase diversity in the postpartum industry. Because diversity makes us all stronger.
The number of scholarships we give depends on the degree of need in our community and the financial capacity of Newborn Mothers.
Please email the team if you'd like to be informed when scholarship applications are next open.
If you can see the value of Postpartum Education and Care Professional Training and want to share it with people, we’d love to say thanks by paying you a commission. You cannot earn commission on your own purchases.
Sign up here.
About the training
To download the course outline please click here.
The pre-recorded modules are 23 hours long, plus the workbooks and activities. During a live class we offer optional live calls and an online forum. Many of our students graduate in around 4-6 months.
All of our students get lifetime access to the course so you can take as many months (or years!) as you need.
There are no prerequisites for studying to become a Postpartum Education and Care Professional. This course teaches you everything you need to know to start working with clients.
Yes. Newborn Mothers is entirely online with students in over 60 different countries.
We welcome and support students who are neurodivergent, LGBTQI+, have learning challenges, disabilities or speak English as another language.
We also offer scholarships to people from marginalised backgrounds.
If there are any obstacles to your participation, please reach out, and we’ll see what we can do to support your learning and participation.
Speaking enquiries
Speaking is one of Julia’s favourite things to do. Here are some topics Julia loves talking about:
What exactly a postpartum professional is and what they can do for exhausted and overwhelmed new families.
Baby brain and how our brains change when we become parents (hint: you can even see it on a brain scan!)
Traditional postpartum care from around the world.
Mental health why we need to rebuild our villages in a 21st-century context.
How to have a six-figure online business and only work 15-20 hours a week.
Changing the world with philanthropy and how to build giving into your life and business.
Please submit in the contact form and let us know about your speaking opportunity.
Yes, please! This is one of Julia’s favourite things to do. Please click here to visit the media page, listen to other podcasts Julia has been interviewed on and submit a media enquiry.
We love to share new podcasts with our audience and would love to share yours with our audience, with Julia as a guest.
We’re also happy to discuss creating a giveaway for your audience or doing an affiliate promotion.
Please submit in the contact form and let us know about your podcast or another interview opportunity.
I'm one of those people who loves public speaking! However, I am committed to not flying for work for climate reasons.
Instead, I love speaking online (live or pre-recorded) or at events at home in Western Australia. Unless you can cover my train fare to get to the Eastern States - if so, I’d love to come!
I have experience speaking to small groups of 10 or less and at large national events with hundreds of people. I’ve spoken at the Melbourne Midwifery Society, Australian Doula Conference, Doula Network of Australia Annual Conference, Homebirth Australia Conference, the Radiance Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Symposium and more.
Submit an enquiry via the contact form.
Yes. I have a lot of experience with public speaking and teaching, including at a couple of Universities and other training institutions.
Additionally, my training are recognised by the Australian College of Midwives and other professional associations for continuing professional development points.
The World Health Organisation recognises that the postnatal period is a critical phase in the lives of mothers and newborn babies. Yet, this is the most neglected period for the provision of quality care.
I can teach online (live or pre-recorded) or face-to-face in Western Australia. I am committed to minimising travel for climate reasons.
For my fees and topics please submit a contact form.
No, Newborn Mothers is not currently not accepting guest blog posts or gifts. We do not accept products for review.
Current students
Please scroll to the footer of this website and click Log In. If you've forgotten your username or password you can click here to reset it.
If you still have a question please submit the contact form.
The team at Newborn Mothers will get back to you within one week.

Download our free guide to learn more about the opportunities
for Postpartum Education and Care Professionals.
What qualifications do you need to call yourself a doula? What sort of hours will you work? Can you make a living
from postpartum work? What equipment do you need and what should you wear?
Find out the answer to all these questions and more in our free guide!