Blog, Postpartum Care Julia Jones Blog, Postpartum Care Julia Jones

Mythbusting: Are women’s hips too small for childbirth?

Did you know that it’s a myth that women’s hips are too small? Find out what the scientific evidence really says about why human babies are born so small and helpless. Explore the history of human development to understand why intensive support is essential for new parents. What can we do to rebuild the village of support for newborn mothers?

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Cooking scares me! And other questions from our FAQs file

This blog unpacks the top 10 questions from our last webinar about working in postpartum care, as well as the Postpartum Education and Care Training. Julia answers questions about postpartum care and education: learn how to become a doula even if you hate cooking, find out if you need business insurance, and discover how to market yourself and get your first postpartum client. We’ve loosely edited the transcript for clarity.

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