From massage therapist to postpartum care specialist

I chat with Newborn Mothers Ayla Judd from Blossom Motherhood. Together we discuss Ayla's transition from a massage therapist to a postpartum professional, her experience studying with Newborn Mothers, and the development of her business. At the core of this conversation, we explore holistic care that celebrates and nurtures mothers.

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My husband won’t let me start a postpartum care business

Do you want to start a successful postpartum care business, but your husband isn’t completely on board? Discover how you can discuss the pros and cons of becoming a postnatal support professional, without it ending in divorce or tears! Find out how to take your husband from unsupportive to being your biggest cheerleader, so you can succeed in business and help families thrive.

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3 simple ways to make your business more eco-friendly

Learn how to create a more eco-friendly business with these green tips. Here are some practical resources to help you tidy up your finances, use cleaner energy and look at ways to limit air travel. Find out how to run your postpartum business in a way that's not only economically sustainable but environmentally sustainable too, even if you're a small business with no employees!

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