Craniosacral therapy for mothers, babies, and practitioners
I chat with Meaghan Beames from Beames CST. Together we discuss craniosacral therapy, its benefits for babies, and Meaghan’s journey as a solopreneur expanding her practice. At the core of this conversation, we explore how Meaghan’s work enables doulas and midwives to offer infant CST directly to their clients.
My husband won’t let me start a postpartum care business
Do you want to start a successful postpartum care business, but your husband isn’t completely on board? Discover how you can discuss the pros and cons of becoming a postnatal support professional, without it ending in divorce or tears! Find out how to take your husband from unsupportive to being your biggest cheerleader, so you can succeed in business and help families thrive.
Changing careers in your 40s, 50s, and 60s
Did you know that older entrepreneurs are more likely to be successful than younger ones?