Everything you need to start a postpartum care business

Provide valuable support to new families PLUS create flexible and meaningful work for yourself

You say postpartum, Google says depression, psychosis, bleeding, rage…

Something is terribly wrong when this is how many families are experiencing what should be the most joyful time in their lives.

Culturally we focus so much of our energy on birth, most of it based on fear, but birth is just the beginning.

Because when a baby is born, so is a mother, and the birth of a mother can be more intense than childbirth.

When we think of having a baby, we think of ourselves plus a baby. Rarely do we realise that there will be a new self too.

A newborn baby and a newborn mother.

Becoming a mother alters the very structure of your brain and body

We change when we become parents. Neuroplasticity increases, which means our brains are changing and learning. Oxytocin increases, which means we become more loving and connected. 

This is a major life transition that requires support, but too many new parents feel overwhelmed, exhausted and isolated as they navigate this journey alone.

The World Health Organisation recognises that the postnatal period is a critical phase in the lives of birthing parents and babies. Yet, it acknowledges that postpartum is the most neglected period for the provision of quality care. Whilst progress has been made in improving maternal care generally, postnatal care still reaches fewer families worldwide than birth support.

At least 1 in 5 women experience anxiety, depression or both during the transition to motherhood.

2 out of 3 mothers don’t meet their own breastfeeding goals.

The leading cause of maternal death in Australia, the United States, Canada and New Zealand is suicide.

Parents urgently need practical and emotional support, access to resources based on scientific evidence and referrals to appropriate professionals. 

Imagine this instead…

You’re packing away after a mothers circle and see your clients leave together, talking honestly about their feelings and experiences and saving a mental health hotline to their phone favourites…

You’ve just finished a Zoom call with a client who lives in a remote area, and they told you they would have given up breastfeeding without your support, encouragement and information…

A client told you the weeks after her second baby's birth were the most calm, restful and nourishing of her life, radically different to her first postpartum experience because of your support…  


Postpartum Education and Care Professional Training

Comprehensive postpartum training for professionals

Whether you are just starting out or have decades of experience working with new families, you’ll learn everything you need know to start and grow your business, get more postpartum clients and change the way people experience postpartum.

  • No prerequisites (this is not a medical role) 

  • Flexible study that fits around your life

  • Recognised for ongoing professional development

  • Includes business and marketing training!

  • Online and available worldwide

    Enrolments open now

This training is endorsed as professional development for midwives, doulas, natural therapists and more

Newborn Mothers has provided world-leading postnatal education based on scientific evidence to professionals for over a decade, with 1500+ students in 60+ countries.

Who is this training for?

Maybe you feel drawn to a career in postpartum but have no qualifications or experience and no idea where to start

You want to do work that changes lives, but you don’t know how to demonstrate your value beyond being a cleaner or a nanny. You want best-practice postpartum skills, but you also need some help with the basics, like how to get insurance, what your job title should be and how to actually get clients.

You will learn all the postpartum skills and the business basics you need to work with clients straight away.

Maybe you are a business owner, and you want to get more clients and make a bigger impact

You are a birth doula, yoga teacher or massage therapist and feel called to work more deeply with new families. You love what you do and want to have a bigger impact in areas like breastfeeding, sleep and mental health.

You will expand the way you work with families so you can get more clients and earn more money.

Maybe you already work as a midwife or nurse and are looking for more meaningful work

You’ve been working in the system for years or even decades and you’ve seen the postpartum gap for yourself. You want to continue doing the work you love, but you feel trapped in a broken system and you know families need more support.

You’ll learn how to provide transformational care for your clients and create more rewarding work for yourself.

Whether you are taking your first step into a postpartum career or have decades of experience, if you feel called to support new families during this life-changing transformation, this training is for you.

Caitlin returned to her corporate job after having her second baby, but her priorities had changed and the work was unfulfilling. Less than one year after enrolling in Newborn Mothers training, she published her website and got her first client.

Ayla felt isolated as a stay-at-home mum and a remedial massage therapist. She loved meeting other postpartum professionals around the world and after completing this training her income has increased and she feels she has found her life’s work.

Tash was a counsellor for a not-for-profit organisation who studied whilst working and caring for her two young children. She completed the training in only three months, found it personally healing as a mother and has already launched her business.

What can I do after I graduate?

Some people embark on this journey with a clear idea of where they are headed. Maybe you want to run retreats. Maybe you plan to teach online. Maybe you will advocate for policy change.

Maybe you have no idea! 

It’s okay if you don’t yet know how you will provide postpartum care because this training will help you identify what you are good at, what you love, what the world needs and what you can get paid for.

Some of our students have no experience in maternal care or running a business, and others are expanding on their existing skills and experience. Our training will meet you where you are at, and help you take the next step in our postpartum career.

We are incredibly proud of our students and want to shout from the rooftops about their work. 

Check out these graduates for inspiration!

Some businesses started by our graduates…

Some books written by our graduates…

Some courses created by our graduates…

Want to hear more from our students?

We believe our course is the most comprehensive postpartum training for professionals in the world, but don’t take our word for it!

Read more student reviews here

How it all works

✓ Enrol anytime and study at your own pace

You can learn anywhere in the world, in your own time zone. At the heart of the Postpartum Education and Care Professional Training is lifetime access to 25 hours of self-study modules. Each module consists of lessons available as text, audio and video, mostly under 20 minutes long. 

✓ Lifetime access

Many of our students complete the course in four months, but you have lifetime access, so you can take all the time you need. You can refer back to the lessons when start working with clients, and you’ll be updated as new research emerges. 

✓ Dive deeper into the topics you choose

Each module includes a workbook designed to deepen your understanding of key concepts and develop your practical skills. The workbooks can be printed or filled out online and include case studies, guided reflections, further research, practical activities and worksheets. These are optional and will take extra time but are not required and are not assessed by our educators. 

You also get access to a list of over 300 extra postpartum resources for your own learning and to share with clients. You can dive deeper into some topics and skip over other topics that you aren't interested in or already know about.

✓ Get everything you need to start working with clients

You’ll get a full set of client documents that you can customise with your business logo, colours and fonts and use with your clients. The Client Resource Kit includes printable forms, checklists, plans, handouts, posters and worksheets. You’ll even get anatomical colouring-in sheets of brains, breasts and uteruses that you can print and use as educational resources. 

This is like being handed a business in a box so you can hit the ground running!

✓ Join live classes for accountability and community

Regular live classes are included in your one-time enrolment fee. During optional live classes, you can make friends with other students and get support from our team of educators in our private online community and on live video calls. Join role-play calls, confidence-building calls, Q&A calls and peer debriefs, available in different time zones and always recorded in case you can’t make it. You can join as many live classes as you need to help you graduate at no extra cost.

✓ Support to graduate

You are welcome to ask questions or get feedback on your work in the online community or on the calls, but there is definitely no assessment guilt here at Newborn Mothers. We want you to spend your time developing practical skills, not jumping through assessment hoops! To graduate, there is simply a completion quiz demonstrating that you understand the scope of the role and can practise safely. Many of our students graduate within about four months, however, some have been much quicker, and others have taken over a year.

✓ Graduation bonuses

When you graduate, you’ll get a certificate plus a badge to display on your website and you can create a listing in our online directory of graduates. You’ll get access to the BONUS business module, plus the customisable version of the Client Resource Kit. To access all of your graduation bonuses, you need to complete your payment plan in full and may choose fast track your payment.

✓ Optional ongoing business support available

After you graduate, you will be invited to join our optional membership for ongoing business support.

Join nearly 2000 students in 60 countries today!

Together we are creating a renaissance in the way families experience postpartum. Will you join us?

“Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us! The course is so great. I learned so many things - not just for working as a postpartum doula, but things for life!

The most important thing for me was to understand the value of self-care and to start implementing it on a regular basis in my own life.”

— Nadia Dimitrova, Bulgaria

What you’ll learn

  • Design your educational experience and choose the best pathway for you. Create a self and community care plan and begin to process your own postpartum experience. Download your workbooks and other resources and meet the team.

  • Understand the role and scope of practice of a Postpartum Education and Care Professional. Provide support that is loving, caring AND based on scientific evidence, and build a referral network of professionals.

  • Encourage mothers and caregivers to embrace the strengths of Baby Brain by educating people on how brain changes prepare parents for increased learning and loving. Support parents in a way that protects this biological adaptation.

  • Support mothers and caregivers to connect with their babies and their intuition, boost oxytocin and build a village of support. Educate families with information based on scientific evidence and support them in making decisions that work for them.

  • Provide appropriate cultural care, drawing on your own cultural story and universal themes of cultural care. Participate in the worldwide renaissance and reclamation of postpartum knowledge.

  • Nourish mothers and caregivers by cooking postpartum food based on universal cultural traditions. Work safely and effectively in the kitchen and create your own recipes. Plan meals and snacks and engage in community support for new families.

  • Aid mothers in their physical and emotional healing through understanding postpartum recovery, and learning about bodywork basics and boundaries. Learn how different cultures support mothers, including mother and baby massage, vaginal steaming, belly binding and more.

  • Support normal breastfeeding by understanding how breastfeeding works, myths and bad advice and common breastfeeding challenges. Build your breastfeeding support tool kit and create a referral network of breastfeeding-friendly professionals.

  • Understand the context of breastfeeding, including the history of breastfeeding in industrialised countries, artificial milk substitutes, racism and exploitation. Learn how real changes to breastfeeding outcomes need to happen at a systems level, not an individual level.

  • Educate families on what to expect from normal infant sleep patterns and learn how to respond to common sleep myths. Create healthy rhythms and rituals and support parents to access sleep as medicine.

  • Understand the foundations of mental health and how a village of support is required for mothers and caregivers to participate in a lifestyle that contributes to optimum mental health. Learn about more complex experiences, including trauma, PTSD and suicide prevention and feel confident in your role and scope of practice.

  • Understand how to support families with diverse experiences, including LGBT+ families, neurodiverse families, and survivors of sexual abuse. Work alongside families who have experienced maternal child separation, multiples, premature babies, grief and loss, domestic violence, or abuse.

  • Join the postpartum renaissance by understanding and promoting a social model of health. Deepen your knowledge of human rights and ethical leadership. Learn how to continually improve your postpartum practice with regular self-reflection and peer debriefing. Influence real systems change!

  • Wrap up with everything you need to start working with clients. Learn how to practise safely and minimise risks for yourself and your clients. Celebrate and get ready to take the next step in your career.

  • It’s not feminism if women don’t get paid, so after you graduate, we’ll unlock the business bonus module: a quick-start guide to starting your business. Begin growing your audience with content marketing, launch your website and email list, and create, price, and sell your products and services.

“It has enable me to work towards a job that is aligned with my career trajectory outside traditional institutions. I have always wanted to work with women and care for women. This study enabled me to fast track to doing just those things.

I like how broad the view of the course is. It doesn’t favour one way of doing something without good research to back it up. And it also adds a humanness which often is lacking in other courses. I enjoyed the new addition of sharing calls knowing if I needed emotional support it was available. As a mother it’s a big load to carry isolated.

— Shaadeeh, Australia

Bonus: Audiobook and Ebooks

All students receive digital copies of my books included in the course.

✓ eBook: Nourishing Newborn Mothers - Ayurvedic Recipes to Heal your Mind, Body and Soul after Childbirth

✓ eBook: Newborn Mothers - When a Baby is Born, so is a Mother

✓ Audiobook: Newborn Mothers - When a Baby is Born, so is a Mother

“I'm not sure if I can choose just one favorite thing from this training! I truly enjoy how involved all of our instructors are. Also, the organization and relevance of content in the curriculum is carefully thought out and fine tuned for the students. Another amazing thing is how much communication there is. I don't ever feel like I'm in the dark about anything and know exactly what is expected of me and my peers. Also, I love the sense of community. I wasn't sure how that was going to be with the training being online but it works so well! I'm not at all technologically advanced so the way everything is set up in Simplero is fantastic! I truly feel like I belong in this group and that my ideas are worth listening to.”

— Nicole Hampton, United States

Bonus: Customisable Client Resources

Our graduates get everything they need to hit the ground running, including worksheets, checklists, handouts and plans to customise with your branding and share with clients.

✓ Printable anatomical colouring in sheets

✓ Services and pricing guide template

✓ Client intake form

✓ Policies, terms and conditions checklist

✓ Breastfeeding plans

✓ Postpartum wellbeing handout and plan

✓ Oxytocin Boosting handout and plan

✓ Village Building handout and plan

✓ Creating Rites and Rituals checklist

 ✓ How to Write Recipes checklist and template

✓ Postpartum Food Plan

✓ Comforting Touch printable poster

✓ Baby Massage printable poster

✓ Belly Binding printable poster

✓ Optimising parent sleep handout and plan

✓ Optimising infant sleep handout and plan

That sounds like a lot… because it is!

Postpartum Education and Care Professional Training condenses a variety of nuanced and complex topics into a succinct and engaging twelve modules. It references more than 300 source materials, including scientific studies, personal interviews, books, public health resources, helplines and more.

But we built this course with babies on our hips and Weetbix on our collars – it is designed by and for people with full lives and big dreams!

  • Every lesson is available as video, audio, and text

  • Most lessons are around 15-20 minutes

  • Most modules are around 1.5 hour

  • Self-paced so you can study during the day, night, or weekend

  • Optional calls and community for accountability

  • Lifetime access so you can study and graduate in your own time

  • No need for a babysitter or a bra!

Why learn from us?

Newborn Mothers has been providing postnatal education to professionals for over a decade, and is committed to advocacy, equity and scientific evidence. Our training is the most comprehensive in the world and we are global leaders in the postpartum renaissance. We have trained nearly 2000 students in over 60 countries.

Julia Jones: Lead Educator

I am the founding director and lead educator at Newborn Mothers. I have worked in postnatal care for over 15 years.

I studied five different postnatal doula trainings before deciding to approach postpartum care from new perspectives. I researched anthropology, biology, evolution, cultural care and more to create a new paradigm in postpartum care. I have a background in community development and social justice, and value respectful and culturally sensitive postpartum care, and combine scientific evidence with traditional practices.

I’m a bestselling author and I have been teaching postpartum professionals online since 2015. I teach all of the training modules except breastfeeding, sleep, and mental health. I advocate for publicly funded postpartum care and support women-led businesses, aiming to create systemic change in how societies view and support new mothers.

Dusk Liney: Educator

Dusk is an educator and facilitator at Newborn Mothers. Dusk is a birth and postpartum doula, a matrescence coach and specialises in trauma-sensitive maternal care. She also writes reflections for survivors navigating motherhood/parenthood after trauma called Dear Dusk.

Dusk's studies have focused on the art of holding space with decades of experience supporting people to understand themselves, develop their skills and build their careers. She has studied spiritual companionship, perinatal support and trauma-informed care. Dusk provides Newborn Mothers' students with a nurturing learning environment and the confidence to support parents in their own unique way.

Dusk facilitates peer debriefs and confidence-building calls in the Postpartum Education and Care Professional training. She also supports graduates in the Postpartum Professional Membership with her strategic, operations and communications experience.

Antonia Anderson: Breastfeeding Educator

Antonia is a breastfeeding support specialist, educator and content creator at Newborn Mothers. She has spent hundreds of hours counselling mothers and helping them reach their breastfeeding goals. She also ran a small business in Canberra providing postpartum support to new parents and their families.

With a Certificate IV in Breastfeeding Education and several years of experience supporting breastfeeding parents in her local community, Antonia provides Newborn Mothers students with a strong foundation in lactation knowledge and the skills to support new parents in diverse settings.

She teaches the Breastfeeding modules in the Postpartum Education and Care Professional training. She facilitates role-play and Q&A calls for students.

Katie Cortes: Sleep Educator

Katie is a registered Midwife and has been supporting postpartum mothers for over 25 years. Katie is now a full time, Holistic Infant Sleep Coach and has been running her own sleep consulting business for the last 7 years.

Katie has a Bachelor of Science in Midwifery studies. During her career as a midwife, she supported mothers through all moments of pregnancy, birth and postpartum, though had special interests in home birth and community care. In recent years she has studied with The Institute of Sensitive sleep and has also qualified as a Holistic sleep coach at level 6, through the Open College Network, London.

Katie teaches all aspects of care related to sleep for both mothers and babies.  She enjoys educating post partum professionals and parents alike, on the normal physiology of newborn sleep while dispelling common myths with evidence based knowledge.

Amanda Stinton: Mental Health Educator

Amanda has worked as a perinatal social worker for over six years. She published her first book Mother-Baby Dyad in 2020 to extend her beautifully uncomplicated messages of inspiration (rather than advice) out to mothers far beyond her counselling room. Amanda is also a sought-after speaker on holistic perinatal wellbeing.

Amanda has a Masters in Social Work and prior to specialising in perinatal counselling has over a decade’s worth of experience in working with teenagers. She has provided training in suicide prevention and intervention facilitating workshops across the Northern Territory where she lives for almost a decade.

As a proud past graduate of Julias training Amanda is delighted to be teaching a Strengths Based approach to perinatal mental health and wellbeing and to be a part of the team at Newborn Mothers. 

Enrol today!

Choose the plan that’s right for you and get instant and lifetime access

12 monthly payments


Most Flexible

One payment


Save $300+

Best Value

Also available in Australian dollars.

Plus GST for Australian students.

Refund Policy

Here at Newborn Mothers, we’ve provided professionals with postpartum education for over a decade and we are confident this course does what it says on the packet!! We know it changes the lives of our students and the lives of the families they work with. We pride ourselves on ethical marketing.

  • Refunds are available when the course fails to match the descriptions we use in our marketing.

  • Requests for refunds must be made in writing within 7 days of enrolling.

  • Refunds are not available for change of mind.

What we expect from our students

We want you to feel really good about this investment in yourself and your future. Please take your time to read the information about the course, including the curriculum, listen to some interviews with our graduates on the podcast, and email us if you still have questions.

We don't subscribe to unnecessary urgency, so please take your time and make the right decision for you.

Please ensure that by purchasing the course, you are not placing undue financial pressure on yourself or putting your family in unreasonable debt.

Read our full refund policy and terms and conditions here.

Take a peek inside the training space…

Here’s what happens after you graduate

After you complete the course and graduate…

  • You get your printable certificate and a digital badge to display on your website

  • You get access to the Business Bonus module and learn everything you need to know to get your first client, including creating and pricing your first product or service, and writing and designing your website

  • You get the customisable version of the client resources to update with your fonts and colours

  • You start making a difference in the lives of families!

  • Please note: if you choose to enrol on a payment plan you will not receive your graduation bonuses until you have completed all of your payments.

“I've been telling everyone how cool it is that the course takes both neuroscience and anthropology into account. It really helped me make sense of my own postpartum experience and I can't wait to help other new mothers understand that they are NORMAL and give them the kind of support they really need to thrive.  As someone who is just starting out in the doula world, I am confident that I have a solid understanding of what new mothers need and how to help them in a way that many professionals don't.”

Laura Funk Kopecky, United States

Frequently Asked Questions…

  • The training includes 25 hours of pre-recorded lessons, plus optional workbooks and activities. During live classes we also offer optional group calls and an online student community.

    Many of our students graduate in around 4-6 months, but you have lifetime access and can take as long as you need.

  • The training is endorsed by industry associations including the Australian College of Midwives and DONA International.

    We have students in over 60 countries and our course is specifically designed for a global audience. We teach both the universal biological experience of postpartum, plus the unique cultural care provided in different parts of the world.

    Many people worry about accreditation or certification, but in most of the world the postpartum care industry is not regulated, so you can choose whichever training aligns best with your values.

    When you graduate you will receive a printable certificate and a digital badge to display on your website.

  • There are no prerequisites - this is not a medical role. 

    Some of our students have experience in nursing, teaching or midwifery, some of them have experience as mothers and some have experience as small business owners like yoga teachers and birth doulas.

    And some of our students have none of the above! You'll learn everything you need to know to start working in postpartum care.

  • The exact price you pay will vary according to your currency, the exchange rate, local taxes and if you choose to pay up front or a payment plan.

    To find out the price that works best for you click here to go to the enrolment page, then choose from the following options:

    1. Choose price (Pay up front or payment plan)

    2. Choose currency (USD or AUD)

    3. Check the schedule of payments to see how much is due for each payment (including taxes if you are required to pay them) and the dates those payments will be due.

    You may also wish to use a currency converter, keeping in mind rates fluctuate over time.

  • We offer partial scholarships to make our training more accessible for people experiencing systemic disadvantage and to increase diversity in the postpartum industry. Because diversity makes us all stronger.

    The number of scholarships we give depends on the degree of need in our community and the financial capacity of Newborn Mothers.

    Please email the team support@newbornmothers.com if you'd like to be informed when scholarship applications are next open.

  • The course is entirely self paced, and all of the lessons, workbooks and activities can be down in your own time.

    The optional live calls are offered in two time zones, plus they are recorded so you can catch up later if you miss one.

    You can also ask your question in the online students community any time of day or night.

  • We strive to make our training as accessible as possible and provide all lessons as video, audio and transcript.

    We have graduates who are deaf, neurodivergent, dyslexic, speak English as another language and more.

    We always welcome feedback and are continually improving our training.

“I feel empowered with knowledge and the right information to now connect with mothers who need support and encouragement where it has been lacking for them. It is also amazing to be able to collaborate with other professionals in this field and be able to offer all the ingredients to make a magical mothers empowerment meal! I feel more confident about a better, informed and positive way forward in helping mothers on their own unique and sacred journey.”

— Violet Wigley, Australia

Still got questions? Send me an email.